i think my work's so ugly compared to everyone else.
i think my work's so amateur compared to everyone else.
i think my work's so boring compared to everyone else.
AND MY WORK IS LIKE BULLSHIT. why did i even take this module to torture myself.
10:18 PM

first thing mum did was to drag me to this statue and say..
"look at this statue, their asses are so big but the guy's bird bird so small!"

outside universal studios :)

my favourite store already man.

inside universal studios!

first stop: madagascar~

kingdom of far far away!
went for the shrek 4d adventure show, it was the same as somewhere i cant remember that i went to though :(

next to jurassic park!

then to the egyptian land, where we played revenge of the mummies. not bad, but we went for a second time and it wasnt as exciting anymore.

chocolate churros!! damn nice (Y)

these girls damn sad, they had to pose and take pictures with tourists before their show. and i witnessed perverts putting their hands on the girls' asses while taking pictures with them, and then patting their butts before the perverts leave. pity them seriously, because they have to be molested in this job.

then we went to louis for some new york pizza! huge and delicious :D


the water show, which i already watched before too :/

would really really like this picture if i managed to capture the whole thing!
visited hershey's for my reese fix and then to victoria's secret where there's nothing much D:
watched some performance at night and fell asleep quite a few times :x
dinner at ramen play!

i seriously felt as if i were overseas, enjoying my life to the max but now's back to reality :'(
visited grandpa at hospital before going for summer league.
sort of had more breakthroughs, i really really want to improve a lot more and continue doing all these.
1:07 AM

finally trained in god knows how long.
girls + ivan vs all guys. i didnt play well in my opinion. i kept throwing discs away. at least i wasnt defeated by my own mistakes i guess. all in my mind was that i want to keep on trying and trying until i get the perfect throw. hehe sorry team for making you all run more for my mistakes :x
ivan cut strike for me four times. the first three times, my outside in was either too far or too short and finally for the fourth time i got it just nice though wasn't much of an outside in.
my backhand's either low or high. no mid release :/ i think a bit too low everytime T.T
i kept reminding myself to pivot more, pivot further.
the thought of laying out came into my mind even before the disc touched the ground for the first time. ivan hucked to me, yanwen touched it, and i continued to run for the disc and really wanted to and at that moment i wanted to lay out my finger hit yanwen's teeth so i was like ouch and forgot about it! -.- else it'll be a perfect score. :(
two endzone discs put to me by huixian that was too far. i wish i caught those :(
played deep deep(or however you spelled it) for the first time. whoa suck much? for the first two points i ran from one cone to the other at least 10 times then they scored T.T
lack of so much training. haiya this saturday cannot go :(
setting goals for polite... and i'm greedy.
1. at least 1 huck, 1 score, 1 d, 1 assist
2. put more to mids
3. no more than 3 drops/misthrows the whole day, best is 0 drop/misthrow.
4. pivot far and wideeeeee
2. put more to mids
3. no more than 3 drops/misthrows the whole day, best is 0 drop/misthrow.
4. pivot far and wideeeeee
10:20 PM
i really wonder every time what do people think of me, who am i like in their eyes, who do they treat me as.
10:28 PM
advertising presentation today didnt go as well. quite disappointed i guess. now i dont even know if i actually want to get chosen to present to client. if chosen, means a lot more work but probably better grades. if not chosen, at least i can concentrate on other modules... :/
totally forgot about tourism test tomorrow after school. i have a feeling it may skip my mind tomorrow :/
i need 70% done for IDM by thursday.. and i have 0% now.
masina proposal + analysis by next tuesday, 0% too.
i havent been training for so long, and i really want to train. sigh. i feel like the burden on my shoulders just gets bigger and bigger and i dont know how long more i can hold on to, with only 3 hours of sleep everyday.
10:13 PM

HEHE SO HAPPY! first time (:
i've always almost failed at everything for napfa in secondary school, struggling to pass. i really cant believe it! so accomplished. looking at this, it makes me feel like all my muscle aches right now are worth it :D
the person announced my timing as 14:36!! why here got 10 seconds more :( inclined pull up, one more to A :( i'm really really blessed for standing broad jump by the way. heh!
12:05 AM
"you guys think when you emo, when you're sad, the disc will come back to you? the opponent team will pity you and let you win? NO!"
though most probably most people wont read this, but well, worth a try i guess.
every time we make a mistake on the field, all we feel is unhappiness or anger at ourselves for it. we get pulled down by our mistakes because of our emotions. it's like we feel guilty to the team for our own mistakes. we feel like if we play more, we'll just pull the team down and let them down more.
hardly are there people who actually tell themselves that they can do better than that, that they have to do something to make up for the mistakes. it's like no matter how much they want the disc, they're afraid that if the disc is thrown to them, they will miss it or they will throw it away.
but really, if they just continue with that emotion inside them, thats when they let the team down. the misthrows and drops aint the ones that let the team down anyway. when they let the mistakes pull themselves down, thats when they let the team down. because the team trusts you no matter what, the team tries to encourage you no matter what, but all you do is to let us down by not putting your 100% anymore just because of that.
no matter what happens on the field, put in your 100%, do everything you can to make up for your mistakes and stop being pulled down because it will only affect the team as a whole, negatively.
12:58 PM
napfa yesterday, for the first time i did not bad! :D and i was really surprised at how i pushed myself for 2.4, and that i managed to even sprint for the last 100m after 6 rounds ._.
im so worn out, i cant believe i had the thought of what if a car crashed into me while i was crossing the road. sigh. bloody stupid of me.
i cannot wait to get some sleep on sunday :(
12:23 PM
1. woke up at 8am (which is early) and i thought school was at 9 and since its assessed tutorial for MASINA i rushed out of bed and everything and was leaving house at 8.30am when my maid stopped me telling me it's still early so i have time for breakfast. class's at 11.
2. slept, woke up and got even more tired. took the LRT and didnt even realise i reached my stop.
3. took 184, almost overslept if it wasnt for the person beside me alighting at NP too.
4. i feel deaf today, like i cannot catch anything that anyone's saying unless i focus.
5. basically stoned the whole day, till now.
6. vision isn't very good though i'm wearing spectacles to school today.. i feel as if i'm straining my eyes when i look far :/
7. the steps from co-op to library are the huge wide ones. i have no idea how i almost missed the last step and fell. at least half the foot was on the step so luckily i didnt fall......
2. slept, woke up and got even more tired. took the LRT and didnt even realise i reached my stop.
3. took 184, almost overslept if it wasnt for the person beside me alighting at NP too.
4. i feel deaf today, like i cannot catch anything that anyone's saying unless i focus.
5. basically stoned the whole day, till now.
6. vision isn't very good though i'm wearing spectacles to school today.. i feel as if i'm straining my eyes when i look far :/
7. the steps from co-op to library are the huge wide ones. i have no idea how i almost missed the last step and fell. at least half the foot was on the step so luckily i didnt fall......
i slept at 6am two days ago. yesterday i accidentally fell asleep at 2am. let's see what time i'll fall asleep everyday this week.
3:35 PM
everyone's watching the world cup finals. i'm doing work. the only update i get is from livescore, twitter and facebook :'(
oh well. posting up some pictures that i really like (: ignore my heavy eyebags, i didnt have sleep that day :(

and wah wah i really cant believe i took this picture :p

the pretty rainbow that suddenly appeared and everyone including those at the sidelines started taking pictures with it LOL.
4:32 AM

bring me somewhere far away. far away to hide from everything.
12:28 AM
imma strong woman, i'm going to collapse soon.
2:21 PM

12:23 AM
A: Determination to improve even better and with encouragement from others.
Q: What happens when you just keep on falling the moment you get up?
A: Try and try again until i succeed to walk on.
Q: What happens when you get tired of trying?
A: Still go on no matter how tired I am.
Q: So worn out, so bruised, so hurt. What happens?
A: Find a reason to smile.
Q: And when there's no reason to smile?
A: Keep all the unhappiness within myself and try to forget it. There's more to life.
Q: How about when it's all overflowing and you really can't take it anymore?
A: I don't know..
I feel like quitting.
1:54 PM

2:37 AM
picked liqiang up at west mall, ended up i went to the bus stop instead hehe. picked edward up at west coast plaza, ended up making like i dont know how many wrong turns before i finally reached hehe.
& i succeeded for my parking! muahaha never felt so accomplished for very long already hahahah.

cold rock! (:

clique5 and bbm meeting up next week againnnn :D
1:57 AM
1:48 PM