Pretty tired out now from all the ultimate and everything I've been doin. But really, I feel as if I don't even have enough time to work! :(
2:25 PM
It's the whole, I have no confidence in my work happening again. Doing so much, sacrificing my sleep just to try and enter a course in university.. And if I can't even get in I don't know what I'll do. I really don't want to go to private university... Sigh. Having no art background puts me at such a big disadvantage urgh.
And settling so many things on my own because nobody else can help. Sighhhh......
Never mind, it will all be over soon. And then I'll dedicate a day just to catch up on my sleep debt.
1:20 PM
and random thought, i want to have center parting but my forehead's so high!! :(
1:58 AM
1:15 AM
AND ONE MORE TO ADD IN. sorry couldnt help it i'm too in love with my ASOS top to not take a photo with it :P
i dont know why but.. i tend to not perform during winter league every single time :(
2:55 AM
9:53 PM